Our Mission
At Emmanuel we want to glorify God by being disciples and making disciples of Jesus.
We seek to achieve this, by God’s grace, by focusing on the following areas individually and as a church.
To be a disciple means to learn. We want to know Christ (1 Cor 2:2), his grace to us (2 Cor 8:9) and depend completely on him in prayer. We learn through the teaching of God’s word, the Bible, (John 8:31) and this learning shapes our whole way of life (James 1:25).
By the power of the Holy Spirit we long for our learning to help us love Jesus (Matt 22:37), give us a deep, united and practical love for our brothers and sisters in the church (1 John 3:16), and help us compassionately engage with our community (Matt 22:39).
As disciple-makers we want to grow inwardly, being built up and established in our faith (Col 2:7). This also leads to growing as a church, as we reach others with the good news of Jesus so that they may also be saved (Acts 2:47).
Jesus calls every believer to go and make disciples (Matt 28:19) whatever their circumstances or situation. So as a church we aim to equip, send and support individuals to the share the saving news about Jesus, whether in church, locally or abroad.