International Ministry
At Emmanuel we want to make disciples of all nations, and are delighted to run outreach programmes for local internationals. We welcome people of all backgrounds and language abilities.
To find out more about the different groups and activities please see below, and contact the Operations Team if you’d like to get involved.
Head here for details about the groups in Japanese.
日本語でのグループの詳細については、こちらをお読みください .
International Café
International Café meets once a term to make new friends, practice English and look at the Christian faith. We welcome all internationals, regardless of language-level or background!
Next meeting: Sunday 28th July, 3:30pm-5.30pm
Japanese worship
A service for praising the Lord in sung, Japanese worship. Join us for fellowship, teaching and praise.
First Saturday of the month, 1.30pm
Japanese Bible Study
A monthly opportunity to study God’s word together in Japanese and enjoy fellowship together.
Fourth Saturday of the month, 6.30-10pm
English conversation for Japanese ladies
This group meet weekly in term times to chat and develop English skills, as well as enjoy time together.
Wednesdays, 10-11.30am
Open X
This monthly discussion group is open to anyone and covers any topic! A great space to learn from each other and grow in friendship and faith.
Second Saturday of the month, 8-9.30pm
Men’s Japanese discussion group
This discussion group is a chance to look at and discuss the Bible in Japanese with other men.
Third Sunday of the month, 1-2.30pm